
Two prestigious Dell awards go to King!

The King team was overwhelmed at the recent Dell Partner Awards 2021 ceremony. For the second year in a row, KING ICT has won the prestigious award of Dell Technologies for outstanding achievement of its partners and distributors – Partner of the Year in Croatia and Partner of the Year in the Adriatic Region.

Dell gave the following statement, “Congratulations to the KING ICT team! Thank you very much, once again, you truly have proved your sincere passion and dedication.”

KING ICT CEO Plamenko Barišić was present at the ceremony.

“We thank Dell Technologies for this prestigious award among such fierce competition. Special thanks to the local Dell team for supporting us in many sales contracts in the Adriatic and EMEA regions. We would also like to thank our customers for putting their trust in Dell products and KING services,” stated Plamenko.

He also congratulated the colleagues at King included in presales, sales, implementation, integration, support and maintenance of Dell products. “This is your award. It will motivate us to maintain and grow our Dell team by attracting new talent interested in developing their career in the field of modern hybrid ICT infrastructure. This is a fantastic step forward for the digital industry. Let’s make the most of it,” he concluded.