The company KING ICT has supported an initiative by the Austrian Embassy “Teachers in companies”. The initiative is aimed at enabling teachers from vocational schools to undergo practical training in companies that deal with the activities taught at their schools. The aim is to improve vocational education in Croatia.
The project should provide specific insight into the jobs that pupils might one day fill on the labour market, and to enable teachers to pass on the knowledge learned in the classroom, to teach pupils the materials by using specific examples.
In support of the project, KING ICT responded to the invitation to offer practical training for a teacher or professor, to familiarise them with the nature of the work that the company performs. The company was pleased to host Romana Bogut, an information expert and professor at the Electro-technical School in Zagreb, where she teaches the course “Computer networks and information system security”.
Professor Bogut spent the day at KING ICT, where the company experts walked her through the topics in their daily work using practical examples – technical experiences, the most important technological partners, challenge they face in their projects, additional education available to pupils, and the skills and capabilities that secondary school students should learn.
The King experts talked about topics such as physical protection of data, UPS, virus protection, data security, user rights levels, encryption, data backup, analysis of network traffic, daily records, wireless network security, and much more.
“I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to come to KING ICT and to see first-hand these issues that I read about in manuals or on the internet. I am most interested in information system and network security, and the KING ICT experts explained to me just how this looks in their daily work and towards the clients they work with,” said Professor Bogut.
The Austrian Embassy is implementing this project in cooperation with the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education, the Croatian Chamber of Crafts, German-Croatian Industrial and Trade Chamber, Swiss Embassy in Croatia, Swiss-Croatian Business Network and the Knowledge at Work Foundation.
“This is the second year in a row that we are carrying out the initiative “Teachers in companies”. More than 400 teachers from all over Croatia applied to the programme, many of them from the IT field. We are pleased that a big name such as KING ICT is supporting this initiative. The teachers who have participated in the program to date have expressed their satisfaction with it, and they are looking forward to hearing more information about the competencies that future IT workers will need to have, those who are now sitting in schools,” concluded Iva Ratko from the trade department of the Austrian Embassy.
KING ICT stated that the company was pleased to be invited to take part in the initiative and to host Professor Bogut.
“Professors have one of the most important jobs in the world – to shape young minds. That is why our experts were happy to share their practical examples, to offer answers to the questions asked, and to explain how the job functions in real situations. The need for ICT workers is growing and we are certain that more and more young people are deciding on careers in this branch. That is why we are so happy that Professor Bogut and the organisations that started this initiative recognised KING ICT as a company that can help educational workers to improve course content,” was the comment issued by KING ICT.