Through excellent cooperation with the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) and partners, KING ICT has successfully delivered its largest international project to date in the field of cyber security. In full scope, within budget and ahead of schedule!
Over 40 experts were engaged in the project which was contracted at a base value of EUR 7.8 million.
The project included the delivery and implementation of an advanced SIEM solution in the field of cyber security, with complete state-of-the-art hyper-converged IT infrastructure. Like all large NATO projects, this one also demanded a very high level of expertise and engagement in the areas of project management, implementation, but also management of all aspects of quality, logistics, support, validation and verification, and knowledge transfer.
Working in a highly secure and regulated environment, under hindering circumstances and restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant challenge, though KING ICT has stated that this makes the success of the project even greater and an encouragement to continue and expand cooperation with the NCI Agency and other clients on the Western European market.
In its official press release, the NCI Agency stated that the new SIEM system will significantly strengthen NATO’s cyber security posture and ensure critical data and communications are protected. The NATO security analysis are now able to more quickly and accurately detect events in the NATO network. The system is based on a powerful and robust high-capacity infrastructure that allows for the analysis and correlation of very large quantities of data to ensure timely detection.
The SIEM solution plays a key role in successful defence from cyber-attacks, and will be operated by
NATO Cyber Security Centre, run by the NCI Agency as a capability delivered to NATO Alliance.
The NCI Agency specifically thanked the project team, saying that they had, “set a very high bar” for future projects. This is great praise and confirmation of the dedication, professionalism and motivation of team members.
“We hope and believe that this success will further inspire companies and experts from our IT and cyber security industry to show their worth and what they are capable of worldwide, with the headquarter from Croatia. We would like to express our great gratitude and respect for all those who contributed to this success and who have thereby become a part of the foundation of the further growth and development of KING ICT along with the worldwide recognisability of Croatian companies and their experts”, was the comment issued from KING ICT.
The official NCI Agency press release can be found here: