
KING ICT in Latvia: Participants from 60 countries acquainted with KING SFERA solutions

The EENA 2021 conference was held in RigaLatvia from 6–8 October 2021. This year’s conference was focused on managing emergency services, technological innovations and public security issues.

The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) aims to improve the work of emergency services throughout Europe and their reactions to emergency and extraordinary situations.

In addition to being a proud sponsor of the conference, KING ICT also made presentations, and participants were able to learn more about the company’s solution “KING SFERA”, which was developed for communication, coordination, and management of emergency situations from the emergency services control centre (112, ambulance, fire-fighters, policy, marine search and rescue), and state, local and regional emergency situations management centres.

This conference was excellent for presenting the company’s solution for managing emergency situations to future clients and representatives of the bodies that decide on the future development of call centres in the EU.

EENA invests great efforts into defining the technical specifications of call centres that will form the technical standard to be submitted for adoption to the European Commission, and as such will need to be accepted by all European countries.

“Being able to propose technical solutions, and technology upon which the future systems will develop, security requirements and more is a great opportunity for KING ICT if it wants to be a recognisable partner in the field of public security,” stated Dražen Pavlić, Head of research, development and innovations at KING.

He added that the EENA conference is the main European event that brings together the representatives of emergency services, researchers, solution producers, mobile network operators and representatives of European institutions.

At the conference, the results of the Next Generation 112 (NG112) project were presented. It is within this project that KING ICT developed its Sfera solution and the ability to establish urgent calls to emergency services via text/voice/video calls, thereby proving this technical feasibility that will likely be adopted as one of the minimum technical requirements for future call centres.

“We carried out this project in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Civil Protection, as one of three internationally selected consortia who were given different challenges and asked to develop solutions for certain specific problems in managing emergency situations,” explained Pavlić.

For more information about NG112 and the final project report, please visit EENA NG112 Project | EENA

The conference brought together more than 400 participants from 60 countries, and the representatives of KING ICT were Zoran Perak (Sfera architect), Dražen Pavlić (Head of research, development and innovation) and Vanja Lazić (Marketing specialist).