At our Company*we are well aware that our business sustainability depends on harmonious relations with all the stakeholders of our organisation, so we consistently try to fully understand their present and future needs, as well as nature, range and influence our decisions and activities have on our environment. Therefore we:
Empower our customers efficiently exploit their business opportunities, by transforming technology potential into business values, throughout our whole business scope, pursuant to our strategic orientation, taking the maximum care to prevent pollution, use natural resources rationally, and lessen harmful impacts on environment.
Negotiate measurable goals, programs and plans to manage our environment. Also, value our environment and dedicate ourselves to ensure sustainable living for future generations. Integrate our environment management system with other management systems and business processes, to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
Rationally use natural resources and oblige our subcontractors to respect our environmental policy and procedures. Necessitate compliance with all applicable regulations regarding the environment. Measure our footprint on the environment and try to make it smaller.
Educate our employees to be aware of environment needs, to participate proactively in the prevention of pollution, lessening negative impacts on environment, the rational use of resources and to extend our concern for the environment through proactive participation and communication with stakeholders.
Navigate our business through the environment trying to leave only good imprints in our wake. Talk with, and listen to our stakeholders, to learn about their requirements regarding the environment, taking care to prevent pollution, health and safety hazards.
The environmental management system in our Company is designed, implemented, maintained and improved in accordance with the principles and requirements set by the ISO 14001 international standard. The environmental management system, including accepted and approved policy with related documents, is published on the Company intranet accessible by all employees. This policy is regularly checked for adequacy to the purpose and context of the Company, and current revision is always available on Internet.
Revision 6, 2024-08-26
Plamenko Barišić, President of the KING ICT Management Board
* In the context of this policy, the Company consists of affiliated trading companies: KING ICT d.o.o., Zagreb (with branches: Osijek Service Center, Rijeka Service Center, Split Service Center); KING ICT d.o.o., Belgrade; KING ICT d.o.o., Sarajevo; KING ICT d.o.e.l., Skopje; Pametna energija d.o.o., Zagreb; Aktivis d.o.o., Zagreb.