In managing its operations, the Company has selected a process approach with the aim of achieving greater success and efficacy in the achievement of its set goals. As a Company, we are aware that to improve our business, a key factor is the advancement of our business processes, to the aim of achieving excellence in process management. We are aware that on this path towards achieving process excellence, and consequentially business excellence, the organisation will have to pass through various levels of process maturity.
For this reason, we have:
– Identified, shaped, documented, established and applied our business processes, determined the necessary inputs and expected outputs, and the order and interrelations of those processes;
– Developed and established a system of supervision over and management of these processes, and determined and applied criteria and methods needed to ensure effective supervision over these processes;
– Allocated authority and responsibility of participants for the execution of process activities and process management, and established the necessary resources for these processes and secured their availability;
– Aligned the process goals with the business goals at all levels, in order to ensure that the execution of processes effectively contributes to the achievement of operating goals and, ultimately, user satisfaction;
– Identified the key performance indicators (KPI) of processes for the purposes of monitoring the efficiency and efficacy of processes, enabling us to recognise opportunities for improvement and to advance processes and implement change, to enable the processes to achieve the expected results;
– Implemented systematic context analysis and other applicable methods to identify, assess, and rank risks and opportunities in processes, and take the necessary steps to address these risks and opportunities;
– Applied an index of process maturity to adequately monitor progress on the path towards process and business excellence.
Within our operations, we have shaped and applied the process management system, and we continue to maintain and improve it in accordance with the principles and requirements set by the international standard ISO 9001, and internationally accepted and applied good business process management practices (such as Business Process Management, BPM). The process management system, including this Policy and all related documents, has been published on the company intranet and is available to all employees. The business process system is under constant supervision and monitoring, with improvements implemented as required, and all Company employees participate in this process pursuant to their positions and authorities.
This Policy is subject to regular review to verify its adequacy given its purpose and the Company context, and the version currently in effect is always publicly available via the internet.
Revision 2, 2024-08-26
Kristina Alebić, Member of the KING ICT d.o.o. Management Board
* In the context of this policy, the Company consists of affiliated trading companies: KING ICT d.o.o., Zagreb (with branches: Osijek Service Center, Rijeka Service Center, Split Service Center); KING ICT d.o.o., Belgrade; KING ICT d.o.o., Sarajevo; KING ICT d.o.e.l., Skopje; Pametna energija d.o.o., Zagreb; Aktivis d.o.o., Zagreb.