
The future of technology and supporting hybrid work

These fast-paced, modern times pose a challenge for doing business, though technology is largely helping to overcome these issues. The pandemic that has since caused a global crisis has forced numerous companies to adapt the way they work in response to these new circumstances.

The specificity of this situation spurred Cisco to conduct a survey among 6745 workers in the IT sector. In the period from 29 July to 26 August 2021, IT workers in France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Sweden were surveyed on the topic “The Future of Technology”.

During the survey, participants were employed in positions as IT decision-makers, CIOs and office employees.

The survey showed the importance of the influence of modern technology in facilitating employees in carrying out their work tasks. Remote work has since become a way of life for many employees around the world, but successfully “working from home” requires that certain technical requirements be met, such as fast and stable internet and an IT infrastructure that is suitable for working in these conditions.

Thanks to this survey, it is easier to understand the worker’s perspective and expectations. The results can also facilitate improvements in the relationship between the company and its employees, and enable better quality conditions to maintain business success. Therefore, this survey can give employers relevant insight into how to improve their operations.

Work habits outside the office and expectations

As mentioned above, due to the market situation, more business is now being conducted outside the office. A high percentage of employees have replaced the office with their home, and this business move has created a new type of responsibility that falls both on the company and its employees.

One of the main requirements to execute business tasks is suitable IT infrastructure on both sides. The expectations are high, as employees want conditions in which they can function normally, while the company wants to maintain its results and productivity goals. The survey results therefore must be considered in the context of doing business in the post-COVID-19 world, and employee wants in new business organisations must also be considered.

The survey provided some interesting insight: four of five surveyed (84%) confirmed that working outside the office change their technological expectations for their work in the office.

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Success indicators

In business, success indicators can be very different concepts from the perspective of the employer or the employee. For one side it represents the number of completed work tasks, while for the other, it is time spent at work.

It is very important to understand that certain success indicators do not represent realistic and measurable results. This is further complicated when considering work outside the office and/or hybrid work, which can hinder measurements. Through a series of questions, the research presented key concepts to employees, asking them their opinion of what realistically indicates their efficacy or the efficacy of their teams. It is useful for employees to have insight into what their employees think. This enables the definition of success indicators that both employers and employees can be satisfied with.

Just two of five surveyed believe that the performance of daily tasks is the greatest indicator of work performance in the office. In all, 34% feel that time spend in the office is an adequate indicators of work quality in the office, while 24% felt that time spent in meetings was the best indicators.

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The Post COVID-19 period and modern technology

The pandemic has forced employees in many companies to take advantage of the full potential of the internet and connectivity. With a higher scope of tasks that now need to be executed in these new circumstances, new technologies such as 5G and Wi-Fi 6 were quickly accepted.

Fast and secure internet not only ensures employee satisfaction, but it also stimulates economic recovery of business through the regular execution of business goals. Therefore, it is key to know just satisfied employees are with the quality of internet as the basis of their business.

Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed confirmed the important role of broadband/connectivity in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Those surveyed believed that broadband/connectivity is key in ensuring uniform access to work, education and health care services for every individual.

Their position confirms a positive attitude towards 5G and Wi-Fi 6, as three-quarters of those surveyed confirmed the positive influence of these in adapting to modern technologies.

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A significant percentage of those surveyed stated the importance of internet speed in the office, and they also claim that this is equally important for work outside the office. A similar number of employees want access to the 5G network without additional cost, while 78% believe that having access to a 5G network in the office is very important to them.

Importance of internet access

The internet has become the main tool to execute many business goals. Modern business cannot function without the internet, as without it, there can be no business activities.

The importance of the internet is particularly pronounced in situations where companies that are not connected with digital technologies need the internet to advertise and to communicate with their clients. From this, it can be concluded just how important the internet is for employees, and these claims were also confirmed by the results of a Censuswide survey.

In the survey, 82% of those polled confirmed that internet access is important for performing their primary tasks. The good news is that companies are keeping up with employee demands: 91% confirmed that their company was able to provide accessible internet over the past 18 months.

Companies face problems in maintaining employee connectivity: about half of those surveyed stated that their companies had experienced such difficulties, while the other half did not.

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Solutions for all these issues

For all these issues, the solution lies in Cisco technologies that enable unhindered work regardless of location. These technologies are flexible, adaptable to a wide range of needs, and easy to use for individuals. They enable companies to attract and retain top experts in their industries, and give employees tools to help them be more productive.

Cisco solutions also enable employees a secure return to the office, and simpler cooperation with colleagues working outside the office. When adapting business premises to better meet the needs of employees, it is important to kept their security in mind. This top technology will facilitate the implementation of collaborations, security, the network, cloud and different applications into a functional and agile system that can grow and develop.

Cisco will ensure that you remain productive and can work worry-free, regardless of your location.

From the survey conducted by Cisco by Censuswide among 6745 participants in six countries, it can be concluded that technology has an important effect on company operations and its employees.

In line with the demands of these modern times, and in the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic, it is clear that there has been a shift in business perspectives. The effects of working outside the office has greatly eased work for many employees. Many are also expecting this business trend to continue, which will also bring about substantial changes to working in the office.

Those surveyed also stressed the important of modern technology for executing operations: for example, the 5G network and Wi-Fi 6E infrastructure, and access to internet and its speed. In addition to these topics, questions were also asked about expectations for new recruitments and hiring criteria, the acceptance of SASE and other questions.

The conclusion is simple: both companies and employees are aware that maintaining business development requires adaptation. Employees have to be ready to accept new technologies and acquire new knowledge – and the majority already have. On the other hand, companies need to be able to secure appropriate conditions so that their employees can work well and develop their skills. Judging by the results of this survey, it is positive that both sides are cooperating well and are aware that the key concepts are teamwork and shared development.

The entire report can be downloaded here at the LINK.