
KING ICT business performance report for 2021

Learning from the previous year, we stepped into 2021 expecting great challenges, and ready to take them on through the combined strength of the experts from KING ICT, our technological partners and customers. Despite the challenges that this pandemic has placed before the entire business world, including the IT industry, yet another successful business year is behind us, in which we proved our expertise and stability, while also strengthening the name KING ICT on the global market.

In 2021, we continued our successful cooperation with the NATO Communication and Information Agency, thereby confirming the international competitiveness of our company. In following our mission to create a digital future, we implemented numerous innovative ICT solutions to the satisfaction of our customers – both on the domestic and foreign markets.

Our M&A activities during 2021 have expanded our ecosystem of ownership connected ICT specialists with the company Omega SW, where we are now one step closer to achieving our vision to become the largest systems integrator in this part of Europe, a position we are striving for.

The number of our ICT experts was raised to more than 700 professionals who will continue to expand our exceptionally attractive technological and competency portfolio and our wealth of experience.

Doing business in the midst of a pandemic
We were successful in adapting to the new COVID-19 conditions during 2020, which make it possible for our employees to work unhindered in this year in the best conditions possible, either from home or from the office. The KING crisis management team constantly monitored the epidemiological situation, and organised in-house vaccinations for our staff, which was met with a large turnout.

Our business focus remained on the complete digitalisation of key user business processes, through the delivery of our own solutions and professional services on the most modern technological platforms developed by global manufacturers. Locally, we are present on the Benelux markets, and we are strengthening our presence on the regional market. We have increased our capacities and ability to provide services in the XaaS business model and the number of services on our own platforms we offer on the market. The quality of our delivery and customer satisfaction are our highest priority in our contracted deliveries and management. Strong competitiveness and the wavering labour market require quick adaptations and designing new ways to attract and retain talent.

We are bringing 2021 to an end with a more than 10% increase in revenues, retained level of profitability, increased number of total employees, growth in the number of contracted and executed contracts on foreign markets, and significant investments into our own platform solutions and products.

Projects highlights in 2021

NATO – A large cyber security SIEM project for NCI Agency
We continued our successful cooperation with NATO. For more information, visit the official website of the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency). For the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), KING ICT successfully delivered and implemented a large cyber security project which included robust SIEM (Security Information and Event Management System) system with cutting-edge capabilities and state-of-the-art hyper-converged IT infrastructure. The project included professional services of project management, delivery, implementation, ILS – integrated logistics and support, quality assurance, validation & verification, and knowledge transfer. More than 40 experts were engaged in the project which was contracted last year for the base value of EUR 7.8 million. In its official press release, NCI Agency outlined that, “The project was completed within scope, cost and ahead of schedule and demonstrates that NATO and industry can be extremely effective when they join forces to successfully deliver NATO contracts” and “The project teams on both sides have demonstrated exemplary flexibility given pandemic-related constraints, and set a very high bar for our future projects.”

The United Group uses the SAP ERP system in is operations to support its business processes. With the aim of aligning the Telemach business processes with the business processes of the United Group following their takeover of Tele2, the rollout of the existing SAP ERP solution of the United Group was implemented. As a part of this project, KING ICT successfully implemented the business processes of finance and accounting and controlling.

For the Tommy Group, KING ICT implemented a hybrid e-mail solution. This was the most effective way to secure the advantages of the cloud for the existing e-mail and business communication system: flexible capacities on demand, saving time by automation, lower maintenance costs, and improved business security.

For Hrvatske Autoceste, a limited liability company responsible for the management, construction and maintenance of motorways, a new SAP HR system for human resource management was completed and put into operation. The implementation of this system has integrated the business processes of human resources management and salary calculations at all levels of the organisation, ensuring data uniqueness, integration and digitalisation of process and functional units associated with monitoring the labour capital of employees. System implementation was performed in line with the SAP Activate project management methodology.

For the Central Bureau of Statistics, KING ICT implemented and delivered an application for the first ever digital population census. The application gave citizens the option of completing the census form themselves, while census takers filled out the information of all those that did not complete the form themselves. The application additionally enabled the CBS to monitor census implementation by way of a reporting system with a virtual map view developed by KING ICT’s GIS team. The complete system consisted of three main units: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview), CMS (Census Management System), and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview). The company Undabot also participated in solution implementation as a subcontractor.

For MUP, a new Early Warning and Crisis Management System was contracted. The project aim is the implementation and establishment of a single national system whereby citizens can receive a timely warning and information on their mobile devices during crisis situations caused by natural or man-made forces (fires, floods, storms, biological or chemical incidents, terrorist attacks). The system will allow for the planning of measures to be taken in order to minimise the number of victims and material damage. The system is based on state-of-the-art geolocation and communications technologies, and KING ICT will implement it as the head of the consortium consisting of the company GDi and Intersec of France, a leader in solutions for activity and mobile data.

As part of the e-School project, KING ICT delivered and implemented active network infrastructure and connected the equipment to the CARNET central system. Implementation of wireless local networks enables adequate coverage and signal quality in schools. The system was successfully implemented in 774 schools around Croatia. The second phase of the programme is currently underway, with a contract signed for an additional 870 primary and secondary school locations having more than 30 pupils, and 760 smaller locations with fewer than 30 pupils. The new school network is based on the most contemporary Wi-Fi6 standard.

HEP PLIN (Croatian Electrical Energy Company – Gas sector)
For HEP Plin d.o.o. from Osijek, a SAP system for public service of natural gas distribution in its distribution area was completed and put into operation, based on the best practice SAP technology in the utility and energy sectors. This is a solution that consists of SAP CRM, SAP ECC core and SAP IS-U systems, integrated with the KING GIS solution Geodata Management and the ERP system of the parent company HEP d.d. Implementation was carried out pursuant to the SAP Activate methodology and SAP Standard industrial solutions that support these activities were also delivered.

HEP OPERATOR DISTRIBUCIJSKOG SUSTAVA (Croatian Electrical Energy Company – distribution system)
For the HEP Operatora distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. (HEP ODS), a company within the HEP Group (Croatian Electric), a SAP system supporting the business processes for the distribution of electrical energy to more than 2.5 million users on the distribution grid was complete and put into operation, ensuring support for the work of all participants on the electrical energy market in Croatia. Implementation of this on-premise SAP solution, based on the Industry Solution for Utilities SAP IS-U and SAP ECC components, encompassed all key processes in the distribution of electrical energy, monitoring and maintaining the distribution grid, provision of services to the end customer, and financial monitoring of business results.

A new project was started to establish a video surveillance system in the City of Šibenik, marking the start of building the new Šibenik “smart city” system. The video surveillance system will cover all roads and public areas in the city. The new surveillance centre, prevention radar devices and stationary image zooming system and weather data will be integrated with the traffic and municipal order system of the city. This is one of the most contemporary video surveillance systems in Croatia, and is expected to raise the level of security in the city. In the future, the system will be used to track tourist movements, reduce congestion and create a sustainable tourism policy.

For the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU), KING ICT delivered an integral information system. The aim of establishing the new IS was to unite and integrate business processes for document management and business processes in the areas of finance, logistics and human resources. This project centralises the main database and data exchange systems. System implementation was executed in line with the SAP Activate methodology for project management, following the best global practices.

For the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and State Assets, a web application called the Construction Logbook was developed and adapted for tablets for electronic keeping of the construction logbook. This project connects the complete construction process, from submitting permit applications, reporting the start of construction, electronic keeping of the construction logbook, to technical inspections. Through digitalisation of the construction logbook, contractors have access to all digitally signed documents always and everywhere. The eGD is fully integrated with the systems eDozvola (e-permit), eGrađanin (e-citizen), OKP, OIB service and all chambers. Also, this year, numerous system upgrades were performed on the eDozvola system (monitoring energy properties of buildings, reporting the start of construction for simple structures and works, determining special conditions in reconstruction procedures, and consent for documentation in the reconstruction process, etc.).

For Croatian Waters, we are currently re-engineering the Water Use system, based on new technologies, and are in the final phases of developing an application for submitting permits for the issuance of water use permits (integration with the Integrated Water System (ISV), Geoportal, DMS, State Geodetic Administration, and NIAS).  Through the system eIzravna naplata (e-direct payments), it is now possible to obtain digitally signed decisions and execution documents, and prepare them to be sent to FINA for collection.

For FINA, KING ICT developed a data warehouse, OLAP cube and ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) process for the business service e-Pristojbe (e-Fees). Implementation included the establishment of the necessary infrastructure, integration with the SEP system, and migration of transaction data from the start of system function, paired with the main data. Updates were made to the ePristojba system that included implementation of navigation ribbons, and all operational reports were transferred and updated for the Reporting module.

Several projects are currently in implementation For HZMO.

Implementation of an HR system for human resource management is underway. As part of this project, business process in HR management and salary calculations at all levels of the organisation will be integrated, and the process functional units relating to monitoring the working capital of employees will be integrated and digitised. The project was co-financed by SAFU.

The second project is the Electronic document management system. After successful implementation of digitisation of the document management process in the administrative procedure that was completed several years ago, we are currently implementing the digitisation of document management in non-administrative procedures. Within this project, the old system with a non-digitised document database will be replaced with an integral electronic document management system that will ensure digitisation of both new and existing documents in the non-administrative procedure, and easier cooperation between different branch offices of HZMO. The technical part of the project is implemented by Aktivis, a daughter company of KING ICT.

For Hrvatske Šume, a project to procure an integral information system (ERP) and its implementation are underway. The project is being co-implemented by coalition partners B4B d.o.o and KING ICT d.o.o. System implementation is executed in accordance with the SAP Activate methodology for project management, in line with the best global practices.

A replacement of existing EMC Centre disc systems that successfully served customer needs for over 8 years with a new Dell EMC ECS facility disc system has enabled the unhindered continuation of operations of one of Croatia’s largest insurance companies. The system is used as a central archive for insurance policies that according to law must by archived for many years, even after they expire.

In the banking sector, due to increased operations, we performed an upgrade of existing high-class disc systems and hyperconvergence virtualisation systems. Creating an agile infrastructure that can respond to growth allows for unhindered work, and upgrading this kind of infrastructure requires minimum exposure to the risk of business interruptions.


Automated system for licence plate recognition at BiH border crossings

With the aim of increasing security on road border crossings, an automated licence plate recognition system was implemented at 42 border crossings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the existing application for border checks was upgraded. A total of 212 cameras able to automatically recognise licence plates and issuing countries and the accompanying infrastructure was installed. The existing border checks system was also optimised and upgraded, and expanded with new functionalities of checking and recording vehicles passing through the state border. In addition to updating the existing system, a completely new module for advanced reporting (business intelligence) was installed, with the ability to create ad hoc reports according to specific user needs and the possibility of graphic display of selected information.

As part of upgrading the data centre of the Sarajevo Canton Health Insurance Fund (ZZO KS), after construction works to prepare and close off spaces, redundant air-conditioning system, access control, stable fire alarm and extinguishing systems were installed, together with the technical protection system and surveillance system with accompanying sensors, and a power generator, high and low voltage electricity wiring, and server cabinets.


For the third year in a row, we have been accepted into the SAP Cloud Focus Partner Initiative programme, which helps SAP partners to present and implement SAP cloud solutions, and to develop their own products based on the SAP BTP technologies. The included partners will enjoy the benefits such as exclusive training and SAP support in development and product sales processes.

We have acquired 21 new SAP certificates in the areas of sales, procurement, finance, controlling, business analysis, transport management, Activate methodology, ABAP development, system administration and database.

At the annual VMware Adriatics & Bulgaria Partner Awards ceremony for the best regional VMware partners in 2020, KING ICT took awards in the categories Tanzu (solutions for developing and managing containerised applications) and NSX (virtual network solutions).

Our outstanding achievements were recognised by the Dell Partner of the Year in Croatia and Partner of the Year in the Adriatic Region awards. This year, we also earned the Dell Technologies Channel Services Delivery Excellence award, a prestigious recognition that confirms the excellence of the service KING ICT provides its customers.

KING ICT also justified the faith of the company Oracle, earning new professional and sales competencies – expertise in Oracle Cloud Platform in EMEA – Eastern Europe.

We also received three project management professional (PMP) certificates.

Again this year, at the Golden Index ceremony, we received the recognition of Friend of Students, the KING FrontEnd workshop won the Chancellor’s award of the University of Zagreb, and our team members received recognition from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb for holding SAP ERPsim workshops.

The KING experts have participated in numerous conferences as lecturers and panellists, and held guest lectures at a number of university faculties. This year, we held the second online edition of the KING ICT Academy, where students receive free education and a paid internship, and the best among them often remain to work in the company.

KING ICT organised another online edition of Girls in ICT, an event in which the KING experts held webinars to motivate female pupils to choose a career in the ICT branch and to step out into the world of STEM.

In cooperation with SAP, KING ICT held five ERPsim workshops at university faculties, for hundreds of thrilled participants who were able to learn about the SAP S/4HANA solutions through gameplay that simulates business situations.

The seventh annual PM@KING conference was held, with the aim at the open exchange of knowledge and experience among project managers. Project managers from the KING ICT central and regional offices took part in the conference.

This year, in monitoring the epidemiological situation and in line with all the stipulated measures, we organised a teambuilding session for our entire staff at the Zaton Holiday Report. Over 400 colleagues joined forces in activities (workshops, lectures, sport), and the entire event also had a charity character. The KING staff together built 19 dog houses that were then donated by KING ICT to the Privlaka dog shelter.

At KING ICT, we understand the importance of corporate social responsibility, and every year without exception, this is a fundamental part of our company’s activities. Below are just a few of the campaigns we are most proud of and that we were most pleased to be a part of.

As a Google for Education partner in Croatia, KING ICT joined forces with the Teacher’s College and Profil Klett to equip the first digital classroom of the future in Croatia. The classroom is at the Teacher’s College of the University of Zagreb, and is valued at over HRK 140,000, and will be used for holding creative classes in a digital environment.

We supported the “Scientist in me”, a competition for secondary school pupils co-organised by the Educateam and Society for Education Outside the Box, through the non-profit Together for Knowledge Initiative. The competition motivates and guides young people towards the sciences and higher education.

With our partner Dell Technologies, we equipped the Ivan Goran Kovačić Gora Primary School with 15 new computers that will assist pupils in their learning and advance the education process.

We donated equipment for teaching a robotics programme to the Dragutin Tadijanović Primary School in Petrinje. The equipment will assist pupils in the earthquake affected areas to have better conditions for modern extracurricular activities and a better education.

We donated seven new laptop computers and a projector to the IT Society of Pozega-Slavonia County, which helps bring primary and secondary school pupils into the world of advanced technology and to teach them about computer science and robotics. The society teaches pupils programming, how to solve algorithm problems, modelling using a 3D printer, and participating in numerous national and international competitions.

We also supported the Society of Young IT Experts (MIS) and donated a free IT course for advanced primary school pupils in the duration of 20 school hours. The course was aimed at deepening pupil knowledge and improving programming skills in the C++ programming language.

This is the second year ending in the context of the pandemic, and the second in a row in which, thanks to the combined strengths of our employees, partners and customers,  we have proven that –nothing is impossible. We thank our partners for their professionalism and timely decisions, our colleagues for their expertise and hard work, and our customers for their trust we will continue to live up to.

Being ever optimistic, we believe in strengthening the Croatia IT industry and the recognisability of brands for a global presence. Being tireless workers, we will continue to work towards building a digital future for us all. And generations to come.