
ESECURITY 2021: King experts discuss EDR and responses to security threats

The eSecurity Conference is an annual international event that showcases the top trends in the world of cybernetic security. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the experts of KING ICT were present at this year’s event.

Our Nino Talian (Head of the Information Security Sector) and Filip Kiseljak (Information Security expert) held a talk entitled “So you bought an EDR… Now what?”

The KING experts explained to the participants how to effectively implement, integrate and launch an EDR (Endpoint Detection & Response) solution. This is a powerful set of tools, engaged experts and processes that are imperative for any organisation facing a wide range of cybernetic threats in the contemporary world. However, this potential is most often not used in the most appropriate way. Participants had the opportunity to hear ideas, tips and tricks that help to detect security threats, and to ensure an appropriate response.

A part of the lectures at the conference were dedicated to security operations in banks, including online and mobile payments, and card payment security.

This fifth edition of the eSecurity Conference once again proved just how current these topics are, leaving us to wait for the next edition next year.