In our Group* we are aware that the sustainability and success of our business depends on ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, minimizing risks for our employees, subcontractors and all other parties that our activities might affect. For the sustained continuity of our operations, it is important to effectively implement occupational health and safety measures to ensure a safe workplace, in line with the risks present in our business processes. With that in mind, we are committed to:
Protecting the health of our employees by creating a safe and pleasant workspace. Consistently applying all legislative and internationally prescribed standards for the health protection of our employees, and to research, analyse and initiate the appropriate actions to remove any threats, and reduce all risks to occupational health and safety;
Create a workspace that builds a positive relationship with stakeholders, while staying true to our own context, and the needs and expectations of stakeholders. Conduct regularly scheduled analyses and assessments of occupational safety risks. Collect credible information on the achievement of our objectives and monitor the success of systems and occupational safety measures, to ensure appropriate control and ongoing improvements.
Encourage active participation in the development and maintenance of systems, promoting and nurturing awareness on the importance of ensuring a work environment that is in compliance with the regulations and requirements of internationally accepted standards. Implement education and training to ensure awareness and the capabilities of employees to maintain a satisfactory level of occupational safety.
In our operations, we have tailored and applied the occupational health and safety management system, and this is maintained and improved in accordance with the principles and requirements set by the ISO 45001 international standard. The occupational health and safety management system also includes our adopted and approved Occupational health and safety policy and all associated documents. It has been published on the company intranet and is accessible to all employees.
This Policy is subject to regular revisions to review its applicability to the purpose and context of the Group, and the current version is always publicly available via the internet.
Revision 5, 2024-08-26
Sendi Radić, Director of Pametna Energija d.o.o.
* In the context of this policy, the Company consists of affiliated trading companies: KING ICT d.o.o., Zagreb (with branches: Osijek Service Center, Rijeka Service Center, Split Service Center); KING ICT d.o.o., Belgrade; KING ICT d.o.o., Sarajevo; KING ICT d.o.e.l., Skopje; Pametna energija d.o.o., Zagreb; Aktivis d.o.o., Zagreb.